
Weight Loss


How to Lose Weight with Lime

How to Lose Weight Fast with Lime

People have been debating about the function of lime water for weight loss. However, in fact, can you lose weight with lime juice? That’s the question that we try to answer here.

Diet with lime juice is easy because actually we just need to make a tasty drink out of it. However, the diet does not always give the same results for everyone. Some succeed, some fail due to the difference of the condition of the body and what causes obesity. But there is no harm in trying to lose weight with lime as it has many other health benefits.


Health Benefits of Lime

If you want to lose weight, you can add some lime juice into a glass of warm water, and drink it after you wake up in the morning. Here are some of the content contained within the lime which can help you lose weight.

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential substance for someone who wants to lose as it works to absorb calcium in fat cells, so the weight will decrease.

2. Citric Acid

Besides vitamin C, lime is also rich in citric acid that can aid the body’s digestive system. In addition, the high content of citric acid will help reduce the absorption of sugar from the food you eat.

Not only helping you lose weight, lime juice has other health benefits, including:

– protecting the immune system
– maintain healthy skin
– treating sore throat
– removing phlegm easily
– treating diseases due to lack of vitamin C, including mouth sores, bleeding gums and swollen, dry lips


How to Make Lime Juice for Weight Loss

What you need:

– 2 teaspoons lime juice
– 1 glass of warm water
– 1 tablespoon honey

How to make it

The making is quite easy. You just need to put all the ingredients in one glass. Stir thoroughly and drink all of it every time you wake up from bed in the morning. Quite easy, isn’t it?
However, before applying this kind of diet with lime water, you need to consult your doctor, especially if you have ulcer or gastric disorders. And the result of this diet is not immediate and fast, but it takes process. You just need to be discipline.




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6 Tips to Stay Motivated for Morning Exercise

Tips to Stay Motivated for Morning Exercise

Morning exercise can be a great challenge, especially for those who don’t like to wake early in the morning. Many people will make thousands of excuses to skip the morning exercise. In fact, morning exercise is one of the best ways to help you lose weight.

If you are among those who don’t like to have morning exercise, here are tips that will make you stay motivated.

1. Set your goals

By setting realistic goals, your body can remain healthy both at present time and in the future. First, you should make goals that are easy to accomplish, such as losing 4-6 pound in this month, and continuing with more weight loss goals for the following months. Don’t push yourself to exercise in the morning for hours without breakfast as your body may not be in its best condition.

2. Prepare your sport bag at night

Every night, when you come home from work, prepare your gym clothes and other necessities inside the sport bag. The next day, when you wake in the morning, you don’t need to deal with hassles that make you feel lazy to go to gym.

3. Place your alarm clock far away from you

Most people sleep with their alarm clock, or alarm from their phone, on the bed beside them. This way, you will tend to snooze the alarm once you reach it. To avoid this habit, you need to put your alarm clock far from your bed, maybe on the other side of the room. When the clock rings, you will be forced to get up to turn it off.

4. Breakfast before exercise

Like what have been mentioned in point number 1, you must have your breakfast before exercise. However, it is not recommended if you eat heavy meal, like rice, as it can make you feel sick while doing exercise. Something light like a banana can be the best choice. Eating can also prevent you from being hungry while doing exercise.

5. Have fun while doing exercise

Boredom is one of the reasons that keep you from exercising regularly. By applying different exercise every day, you can avoid this kind of boredom. Maybe you can have jogging on the first day, skipping (jump rope) on the second day, and swimming on weekends. If you have fun while doing exercise, you will feel more comfortable and there will be fewer burdens.

6. Grab some friends

The feeling of lonely can also be another reason why you are lazy to get up in the morning. For that, you can invite some friends or at least look for places that are already crowded in the morning. If you want to get a lot of friends, joining sports community is highly recommended.

Hopefully, all of those tips above can help you stay motivated for a morning workout.



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Raw Food Diet: Does It Work?

Raw Food Diet

In this type of diet, you will stop cooking because you will eat all in raw: fruits, vegetables, and grains. The proponents believe that the nutrients and natural enzymes of those foods will be destroyed by heating. This can be bad because the digestion process is boosted with the existence of certain enzymes. Some enzymes are also there to fight chronic disease. In sum, when you cook the foods, you kill them.

Some proponents even believe that by cooking the foods, they can become toxic. They claim that raw foods diet can heal allergies and headache, boost memory and immunity, and improve diabetes and arthritis.


Raw Food Diet Weight Loss: Is It Effective?

Since many raw foods are low in fat, calories, sodium, and high in fiber, you will probably lose weight when applying this kind of diet. You will also get some nutrients good for your body, including vitamins, fiber, minerals, phytochemicals.

It’s been proven to that cooking can destroy some water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin C and B.
However, raw food diet also has some drawbacks. Since most raw foodists also exclude animal products, you have to make sure that your body gets enough protein, calcium, iron, and other vitamins and minerals like B12. To fill this gap, you will need to take supplements.

In some cases, cooking is good because it can boost some nutrients such as lycopene and beta-carotene. The cooked foods are also free of food-poisoning because the bacteria have been killed through the cooking process.


Note for Raw Food Diet

Since the foods that are uncooked and unpasteurized can cause foodborne illness, you must wash your food very thoroughly. You need to be extra careful for risky foods like lettuce, green onion, raspberries, unpasteurized juices and milk, and sprout.

Since there is a risk of food poisoning, raw food diet is not recommended for pregnant women, seniors, young children, and those with weak immune system. People with chronic medical conditions, like kidney disease, must not try this kind of diet, either.

Raw food diet is good for you who are vegetarian and vegan. And since raw food dieters also eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, most of them are gulten-free.

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Does Low Carb Diet Work for Weight Loss?

Does Low Carb Diet Work for Weight Loss

Is it trus that low carb diet foods can be used for help you lose weight? Here’s the information about low-carb diet that you must know.

What is Low Carb Diet?

A low-carb diet plan limits the consumption of carbohydrates. The carb is either in the form of fruit, starchy veggies, or grains. The focus is increasing the number of fat and protein. However, there are many types of low carb diets depending on the amount and type of carb you can eat.

What is the Purpose of Low Carb Diet?

Most of the time, people follow low carb diet to lose weight. However, not only weight loss, there are some other health benefits you can get by limiting the amount of carbs you eat, especially those related to the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

By applying the low carb diet, you can change your overall eating habits. And yes, you can enjoy everything that belongs to the low carb diet food list.

However, before starting to have this diet, it is highly recommended that you discuss with your doctor, especially if you have some health problems, including heart diseases and diabetes.

The Details of Low Carb Diet

Carbohydrates are type of macronutrients providing calorie for the body. These can be found in many foods, either from natural or unnatural source. The natural sources of carb include grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and milk. The unnatural source of carb are those refined carbohydrates added into processed food, either in the form of sugar or flour. Some of the foods that contain carbs are cookies, pasta, white bread, sugar-sweetened soda and drinks, and candy.

Your body breaks down sugars and starches into simple sugar during digestion. These sugars are then absorbed by the blood, and known as blood sugar. Carbs that contain fiber can resist digestion, while complex carbs provide bulk and serve other body functions beyond fuel.
When the blood sugar rises, the insulin is released and this will help glucose to enter your body’s cells. When you apply low carb diet, the carb is decreased, which results in lower insulin level. With the low level of insulin, your body will burn stored fat for energy and this ultimately will lead to weight loss.

Those carb foods mentioned above are usually excluded in the low-carb diet. In a low carb diet, the typical daily limit of carb is 60 to 130 grams. These amounts of carbs will provide 240 to 520 calories.

Some low-carb diets greatly restrict carbs during the initial phase of the diet and but then they can increase the number carbs that are allowed to consume, gradually. Very low-carb diets restrict carbohydrates to 60 grams or less a day.

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Food Combining Diet for Weight Loss: Does It Work?


Many people keep questioning if food combining diet is really good in helping them lose weight. There has been a belief that eating certain groups or orders will help you get better digestion. If it is so, then does it work for losing weight?

The idea behind food combining diet is the fact that each food has different rate of digestion. Each food also needs different environment to be digested well. Thus, we have to eat different foods that can complement these factors.

However, what is stated in on paper in absolutely different with what happens in field. Food combining diet looks more like a misuse of biochemical information rather than a real effective diet plan. There is still no proof which shows that food combining can better the digestion and thus help us lose weight.

The principle of this diet is to avoid eating carbohydrates and proteins at the same time because they are digested by different enzyme. The proponents of this idea state that if we eat the two foods together, there will be food left undigested or partially digested while the other food is being digested. The c food is waiting for the ‘right’ enzyme to be digested. And, they believe that, during this waiting process, the undigested or partially digested food will be rotten or fermented, which further causes gas, bloating, and other kinds of problems.

Another principle is that fruits must be eaten alone because they are digested faster than other foods. If not, it can rot and cause problems in the stomach.

The problem about this food combining diet plan is that there is no proof yet that there is gut rot if the food is not divided into groups. In fact, the antioxidants of the fruits can be better absorbed when they are eaten along with other foods. So it’s fine for you to enjoy high-protein fruit smoothies. And in fact, it’s impossible to eat carbs and proteins separately since some foods like brown rice and quinoa are packed with both carbs and proteins (amino acid).

The fact is that our body digestion does not work the way the proponents of this idea think. Our body can handle the digestion of different types of foods at the same time over the whole process of eating. And it is not as simple as the food combining diet myth that carbs need basic environment to be digested while protein needs acidic environment. This process has been optimized over the years to extract every nutrient possible from the foods we eat, despite their combination.

If you want to lose weight, stick to old rule: replace sugar and starchy carbs with vegetables so that you can eat fewer calories, eat a little more of proteins, and exercise often and regularly.



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Natural Weight Loss

What is Best Weight Loss Tea?


If on the previous article we talk about the benefits of green tea for weight loss, now we will talk about other types of teas that are also beneficial for weight loss.

1. Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is another tea that helps you lose weight. The Oolong name comes from Chinese word which means dragon. Oolong is a light floral tea which is rich of catechins. Catechin is good to boost the ability of your body to metabolize fat. Thus, Oolong tea is also good for weight loss. Based on one study published in Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, participants can lose 6 pounds after six weeks of consuming oolong tea.

2. Mint Tea

Another tea that makes you lose weight is mint tea. This tea works as the minty scent can suppress the appetite. A study in Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine shows that participants who sniff peppermint every two hours can lose about 5 pounds a month. Not only in your tea, you can also add peppermint to your pillow or burn a mint candle to help you lose weight faster.

3. White Tea

White tea is dried naturally in sunlight which makes it has least process, thus it has richest source of antioxidants if compared to other teas. Yes, after green tea, white tea can be another best tea for weight loss. Through the consumption of white tea, the breakdown of fat (lipolysis) can be boosted and the formation of fat cells (adipogenesis) can be blocked.

4. Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is made from ‘red bush’ leaves, grown exclusively in the small Cederberg region of South Africa, near Cape Town. Rooibos tea contains a powerful flavonoid called Aspalathin, which can reduce hunger-triggering stress hormone. Aspalathin is also good for some health problems, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance. So, are you gonna have this tea for losing weight?

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Natural Weight Loss

Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?


Green tea contains antioxidant and other healthy substances which makes it one of the healthiest beverages on earth. Based on a study, drinking green tea can help you burn more body fat and lose weight.


Green Tea to Lose Weight

Many people drink green tea for weight loss. But how can it be so effective in helping you lose weight? Like mentioned above, green tea has many beneficial substances, one of which is caffeine. If compared with coffee, the caffeine in green is not too much, but still it has effects on your body. Caffeine is like a stimulant that helps with fat burning and improves exercise performance.

However, when talking about weight loss, the best property of green tea is antioxidants, which is called catechins. The most powerful is called EGCG, a substance that can boost your metabolism. The EGCG helps the inhibition of enzyme that breaks down the hormone norepinephrine, which leads to the increase of the amount of norepinephrine.

Through the nervous system, this hormone gives signal to the fat cells to break down fat. When the amount of norepinephrine increases, the signal also becomes stronger. The EGCG might also synergize with caffeine in enhancing the fat burning process. As there are more fat that the fat cells break down and is released to the bloodstream, muscle will get more energy it needs.


Green Tea While Exercising

A study showed that men taking green tea extract burned 17% more fat than those who didn’t. Another 8-week study showed that green tea can increase fat burning, both during rest and exercise. Green tea are also good for obese individuals who want to have more proportional body weight. For those who have good posture might use green tea to help maintain the weight.

However, not all study shows that green tea can boost metabolism. Therefore, the result of each individuals taking green tea for weight loss might be different. No matter what, still green tea is a healthier option available since it helps you lose weight naturally.




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Weight Loss Supplements

Fiber Supplements for Weight Loss


There are a lot of health benefits offered by fiber, such as lowering cholesterol, controlling your blood sugar, and helping you lose weight. However, not all of us have consumed sufficient amount of fiber everyday. To fulfill the need of fiber, fiber supplements are available at some drugstore checkout lines. Some even put fiber supplements in their weight loss program.
If you want to make use of fiber supplements for weight loss, there are some things that you need to know.

Food vs Supplements

When you want to get the most benefit of fiber for your weight loss without losing the fiber’s heart-protective properties, it is recommended that you take it from food or natural sources, including vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, and nuts.

In fact, with the abundant sources of fiber, we don’t need to take any supplements. Plus, supplements will not make up for poor eating habits. If you used to have unhealthy diets, and you take supplements, it doesn’t mean that your diet will suddenly become healthy.

However, regarding the health benefits, there is no clear evidence that the fiber supplements will have the same benefits as the natural sources. That’s why most fiber supplements are mostly used for preventing constipation rather than for other health benefits, like lowering cholesterol.

Types of Fiber Supplements

Talking to your doctor before taking fiber supplements is highly recommended. The supplements come in many forms, including powder, capsules, or chewable tablets. The supplements can be made in a lab or extracted from natural sources.

Extracted natural fibers include lignin cellulose (a sugar in plant cells), (a compound in plant cells), gum (a sugar in seeds), and pectin (a sugar in fruits and berries). Some manufactured fibers include psyllium maltodextrins, polyols, and polydextrose.


Safe Consumption of Supplements

Don’t add fiber to your diet too much and too quickly. You have to add it step by step because if you don’t change your diet gradually, some uncomfortable side effects might occur including gas, cramping, and bloating. Also, when taking supplements, you must stay dehydrated throughout the day.

Too much fiber in your diet can affect the nutrients absorption. So, measure how much fiber in total of your diet, either from supplements or foods.

And to remember always consult your doctor before starting to consume fiber supplements as they cannot be combined with certain drugs, such as those for treating thyroid disorders, seizures depression, diabetes, and some heart ailments. Even, the fiber intake can also affect the efficacy of aspirin, ibuprofen, and penicillin.

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Weight Loss Surgery

Risks of Weight Loss Surgery

Risks of Weight Loss Surgery

Surgery to lose weight has now become an option for some people. But, do you know that this way can actually cause some risks, either short or long term. Here are the risks of weight loss surgery options that might happen.


Immediate Complications after Surgery

There are some complications that can happen during or immediately after the surgery, including:

– infection, 1 in 20 people

– blood clots in lungs (pulmonary embolism) or legs (deep vein thrombosis), 1 in 100 people

– internal bleeding, 1 in 100 people


Excess Skin

Yes, the surgery can remove the fat from your body but it can make your skin become tight and firm. If you have been obese for years, there will be excess skin, especially around the breast, limbs, hips, and tummy.

The excess skin becomes more apparent 2-18 months after surgery which make your appearance looks ugly. They tend to cause infection and rashes too.



Gallstone (small stones usually made of cholesterol) after stomach surgery to lose weight can happen to 1 in 12 people, typically 10 months after surgery. In most cases, gallstone doesn’t show any symptom. But if the stones are trapped in duct, some symptoms can occur, including nausea or vomiting, sudden intense pain in tummy, and jaundice.


Psychosocial Effect of the Surgery

People take surgical weight loss to help them improve the quality of life. While it happens in most of the people taking surgery, some report that they experience relationships problem with partners as their partners become anxious or jealous about the weight loss.

Some also feel awkward when it comes to occasions related to food like family meals because they feel self-conscious about the reduced capacity to eat.


Stomal Stenosis

People with gastric bypass may experienced complication in the form of narrowed stoma or hole connecting their stomach pouch to their small intestine which may cause it to be blocked by a piece of food. This stomal stenosis happens to 1 in 5 people with gastric bypass.

Persistent vomiting is the most common symptom of stomal stenosis. The stoma can be unblocked using an endoscope attached with inflated balloon. Cutting food into small chunks and avoid drinking during meals are the best way to prevent stomal stenosis.


Gastric Band Slippage

Gastric band slippage can happen to 1 in 5 people with a gastric band. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting and heartburn. The slipped band can be replaced with further surgery.


Food Intolerance

Food intolerance can happen to 1 in 25 people with a gastric band. This condition means that your body unable to tolerate some foods, such as green salad or red meat, with the symptoms including nausea, vomiting and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.



No surgery is entirely safe and each procedure can cause death. The death due to weight loss surgery happens to 1 in 1000 people. The death are caused by some complications, including:

– infection

– internal bleeding

– heart attack

– a pulmonary embolism causing serious breathing difficulties and then death

– stroke


So, before taking surgery to lose weight, it is better that you know and understand about each of the risks mentioned above.

Not only surgery which has risks. Diet pills for weight lose also has some adverse side effects that you must know.




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How to Lose Weight Fast

What Are the Best Vitamins for Weight Loss?


Do you ever wonder if there are vitamins that help you lose weight? The issues are on the street now and some people are striving for anything to help them lose weight. But is it really true that there are vitamins to lose weight? Well, it is not totally wrong but it is not true either. Most of them vitamins are not for weight loss but only help you control weight.

The good news is it is healthy and safe and when you can control your weight, it means you can avoid gaining weight. So, what kind of vitamins we can actually consume to help the weight control?

1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps the creation of red blood cells and control how your body uses calories. B12 most found bound to protein in some animal-based products, including chicken, beef, and fish. Vitamin B12 has been claimed by some weight loss clinics to be able to cause weight loss. In fact, the shots or pills of Vitamin B12 will not help you lose weight. It just controls the calories usage of your body. Vitamin B12 support the body to produce energy used to convert food into energy. The more energy you gain will give you more motivation to exercise and thus lead to healthy weight control.

2. Fish oil

You can use fish oil (omega 3) to help with your weight management by promoting the metabolism of dietary fat and cholesterol. Omega 3 is also good to protect nerve and brain cell from oxidative stress and damage as well as aiding the immune system. Like Vitamin B12, fish oil can increase your exercise performance, endurance, and recovery as it assists in joint flexibility and mobility. Eventually, you can reach the goals of your weight management.

3. Fiber

Fiber is not actually a vitamin but it can help with your weight management because it can reduce appetite which causes you to consume less calories. A study shows that subjects who followed high-fiber low-fat diet lost three times more weight than those who only followed low-fat diet. Fiber also helps stimulate the healthy bacteria in your gut which is good for weight control.

From the article above we can conclude that there are no weight loss vitamins. But the fact that some of the vitamins are good for weight control will help much in your weight management. So, why not consuming more vitamins from now on?

Or, maybe you want to try to consume natural supplements to help you lose weight?




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