How to Lose Weight Fast with Lime

People have been debating about the function of lime water for weight loss. However, in fact, can you lose weight with lime juice? That’s the question that we try to answer here.

Diet with lime juice is easy because actually we just need to make a tasty drink out of it. However, the diet does not always give the same results for everyone. Some succeed, some fail due to the difference of the condition of the body and what causes obesity. But there is no harm in trying to lose weight with lime as it has many other health benefits.


Health Benefits of Lime

If you want to lose weight, you can add some lime juice into a glass of warm water, and drink it after you wake up in the morning. Here are some of the content contained within the lime which can help you lose weight.

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential substance for someone who wants to lose as it works to absorb calcium in fat cells, so the weight will decrease.

2. Citric Acid

Besides vitamin C, lime is also rich in citric acid that can aid the body’s digestive system. In addition, the high content of citric acid will help reduce the absorption of sugar from the food you eat.

Not only helping you lose weight, lime juice has other health benefits, including:

– protecting the immune system
– maintain healthy skin
– treating sore throat
– removing phlegm easily
– treating diseases due to lack of vitamin C, including mouth sores, bleeding gums and swollen, dry lips


How to Make Lime Juice for Weight Loss

What you need:

– 2 teaspoons lime juice
– 1 glass of warm water
– 1 tablespoon honey

How to make it

The making is quite easy. You just need to put all the ingredients in one glass. Stir thoroughly and drink all of it every time you wake up from bed in the morning. Quite easy, isn’t it?
However, before applying this kind of diet with lime water, you need to consult your doctor, especially if you have ulcer or gastric disorders. And the result of this diet is not immediate and fast, but it takes process. You just need to be discipline.




Tags : diethow to lose weight naturallylime
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