

Hunting Tips

6 Elk Hunting Tips with Bow

Are you fond of hunting elk? Elk (and moose) can mostly be found in West. What you need to know that an elk can weigh 500-1000 pound. That is a huge number. Another thing you have to consider is that there are some preparations you have to make before starting to hunt the elk.

Here are 6 tips for your elk hunting experience with a bow.


1. Exercise with the bow

Before starting the hunting trip, you should have a lot of exercise with your bow. Since elk are heavy-boned animals, to make a humane killing you must shoot with a heavy bow. The weight of the bow needed is approximately 70 pounds. To give more penetration of the bow, you also need strong and heavy arrows. In fact, elks don’t move fast but they are very dangerous.


2. Get close with the animal

The closer you are to the animal, the more dangerous situation it is for you. When you are close to the animal, you are more vulnerable. But it is what makes hunting more exciting, isn’t it?


3. Make sure you are in a safe place

Getting closer also means that you will be into their territory. They will come after and attack you, not knowing that you are actually just a frail creature. So, in your way of getting closer, you have to think about things: 1) you have to be in a safe position and 2) this position allows you to get a got shoot at the elk.


4. Make sure you hit them on the kill area

To make a humane killing, you must hit them on the right area. To fast kill the elk, you must have proper shot placement. If you do not shoot your bow your arrow on the mark, you might only wound the animal or make them die slow, which is not humane.


5. Cover your scent

Covering your scent is essential when you hunt elk. It’s recommended that you bath with unscented soap and use unscented deodorant. Unscented laundry soap for your clothing is also good. Those products are made for hunters and you can find them on hunting retailers.


6. Practice make perfect

Your bow hunting will be better and better with a lot of practice. Besides that, you can also learn about how to call the elks, using their “language” that you learn during your trips. When you become an expert, you can call them using this language like a professional elk callers.





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Fishing Tips

Are You Beginner Kayak Fisherman? Read These Tips!


Are you a beginner in kayak fishing? Here are the tips that will help you become a good kayak fisherman.


1. Have a consultation to kayak expert

It’s not like you have to find a professional kayakers. Those who have been kayak fishing for 4 or 5 years are experienced in this field and thus they can be called experts. You can consult them about any kayak fishing techniques.


2. The place to kayak fish

You can fish almost anywhere because kayak is very much versatile. The choices are based on the paddling distance, time frame, and/or ability. When going to an unfamiliar area, you can use Google map. The fishing opportunity is greater in a circular route.


3. Understand the species

Your kayak fishing will be more successful if you consider the moon phases, the weather, environment, and season of the species. Anyway, even when you don’t catch any fish, kayak fishing is still fun.


4. Choose the best kayak

When choosing a kayak, you should consider where you would kayak fish. In saltwater or freshwater? Big rivers, ponds, or larger lakes? The target fish also needs to be considered. Other considerations include stability, comfortable seating, storage compartments, and how you will transport the kayak.


5. Customizing the kayak

Customizing is needed to make everything within reach while you’re on the water. You have to decide where to attach the stuff you need. The storage area for the fishing gear must be considered too. Remember, your kayak must stay light but in other way versatile too.


6. How to transport your kayak

Cushioning kayak is cheap and easy because of its big foam noodles. A nylon tie can be inserted to the holes of the noodles. In most cases, pickup trucks and vans are used to transport the kayak. To get to distant water, you can use a rigged kayak, which is strapped to a larger boat.




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Golf Tips

Golf Downswing Tips: How to Start Downswing?


This is the trick and tips on how to start downswing.


The Right Start (Left Picture)

When you move from bottom to top, move your weight to your front foot. The little forward bump will cause the hands and arms to drop inside, which will give you a strong move through the ball. Rotating body as hard as you want is permitted. You must make sure that your weight goes toward the target before you start.


right and wrong start of downswing

The Wrong Start (Right Picture)

It’s wrong if you just turn from the top. Many golfers think that it is enough to turn more so they will whip their hips around when starting the downswing. This is not good because the arms and club will be thrown away from the body due to the open left side spins.




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Hunting Tips

Tips on Responsible Air Rifle Hunting


Humane Shot Is the Rule

Air rifle hunting is challenging because you have to make a shot which is clean, effective, and more importantly, humane. A humane killing means that the animals will be in a clean condition and die quickly without suffering pain.

In air rifle hunting, while you are to have a humane killing, you also need to get close enough to the target to ensure an accurate shot. In many cases, hunter gets tired when their tiring stalks end in failure. But the achievement and pride will be much more when you succeed.

Air rifle hunting has different unwritten rules about the quarry. If you poach the game birds, your hunting permission can be withdrawn so don’t be tempted to shoot them although there can be very much game birds during your hunting. Other forbidden quarries are animals like hares and foxes because they are too large to be shot humanely with airgun pellets.


How to Behave As An Air Rifle Hunter?

As a rifle hunter, you must uphold to the Country Code. In many cases, you will be hunting on some of the farmers land. This way, you have the obligation to police his land. So, though you can’t do immediate help, if you see any code being broken such as kids vandalizing machinery or a dog worrying sheep, you have to report it as soon as possible.

The bad news and goods news will be easily spread in countryside. When they know that you are helpful and responsible, the farmers will be more welcome to you. In all your hunting time, behaving is highly recommended. Even when you don’t see anyone, you should still behave by opening the gates carefully and ensuring that they shut behind you. Slamming is forbidden because it can weaken the hinges. If the gates are locked, you can climb over at the hinged end, instead of the latched end because it will cause far less effect to the hinges.

You have to makes sure your rifle is safe when you cross from one field to another. If you have a sling, you can leave it on your shoulder when opening and closing the gate. But when you have to climb and need both hands, you must make sure that your gun is unloaded.




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Fishing Equipment

Tips on Buying Fishing Rod Holders


Most people neglect the importance of fishing rod holders while in fact this device can help you while fishing. Not only making you able to enjoy the surroundings while fishing, fishing rod holder can help you to multi-task. Many people who have used fishing rod holders prefer the ones which are transportable, hands- and hassle-free, and simple to use.


Where to Use Fishing Rod Holders


1. Boat

To bring it in a boat, you need a fishing rod holder that is adjustable to different positions. With the fishing rod holder with you, you will have better concentration in driving the boat and monitoring electronics while trolling. With the holder, it will also be easier for you to eat or drink so your day will be more relaxed.


2. Beach

Holders can help you cast your lure and plant your pole while you’re in beach. Holder for the beach use is equipped with sand spike to help it to be driven in the sand while you’re relaxed.


3. Home

When you’re not fishing, home fishing rod holder can help store your fishing rods in a better place.

home fishing rod holders


Choose the Materials


1. Plastic

Polypropylene plastic is the best material for fishing rod holder because it can’t corrode, even when repeatedly exposed to salt water. Plastic is also lightweight which makes it easy to use.


2. Aluminum

Aluminum is not only lightweight, but it is also anti-corrode and rust which is the best for boat usage in both saltwater and freshwater.


3. Steel

As the strongest material, steel can withstand the forces of fish game in both fresh and salt water.

steel fishing rod holders

Which Size, Adjustments, and Features?

1. Size

You should select the size of rod fishing holders based on your fishing rods. Not only the size, but you must consider also the type of reel in order to find the best holder for you. Some holders are best for casting reels, while others are for spinning reels.


2. Adjustability

It is important to find an adjustable fishing rod holder. This way, you can adjust the angle to alter your bait moves through the water.


3. Features

The conditions that you face in the routine basis can be your consideration in choosing holder. The features offered as the complement can also be considered to establish your specific needs.




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Golf Tips

Golf Driving Tips: How to Drive A Golf Ball Well


There are some swings you can do in order to drive the golf ball properly and well. Here are the swing for the best driving.


Turn Your Left Shoulder over the Ball when You Are Under Pressure

Any golfer can feel tense and nervous, especially on their on the first tee or a tough driving hole. This condition can lead the golfer to make short and fast backswing. You must focus to make a full, rhythmic motion to the top. Even when you don’t have the flexibility to do it, you can try to move your lead shoulder behind the ball. Since your body will be loaded to the right side, you can shift forward coming down.

When under pressure, golfers tend not to grip the club properly. To solve this problem, keep some motions in your feet and fingers by waggling the club back and forth.


Keep Your Back to The Target Starting Down when You Fight A Slice

Forcing the right shoulder out toward the ball when starting the downswing can make the swing path steep. As a result, the ball will across from out to in. If you stay back your right shoulder, the club will drop inside when you start down. Therefore, you need to keep your back facing the target longer in the downswing. You can make a full turn behind the ball with your shoulder at passive position.

With the club dropping to the inside, you will be able to swing out to the ball, letting your arms to release and square the clubface.


Your Body Must Not Stop Turning when You Fight A Hook

Most big hooks happen when the body slows down through the hitting area, which leads to the swing momentum to flip the club over and snap the face closed. You must keep turning your whole body toward the target to avoid that. When starting down, shift to your left side, and then turn hard to the left. This way, you will not make the club flip, which means that you can fix the hooks.




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Hunting Equipment

How to Find the Best Hunting Rifle


Finding the best hunting rifle among a collection of rifles is not an easy thing to do. You have to find the one based on prices, sizes, materials, and shapes. The best way you can do is use a method called backward induction, which a kind of reasoning game. The step is looking at the ideal end result then work backward until you reach your decision.

What kind of game you intend to do? The answer will narrow down the type of rifle that you will choose. If you get the answer, you can then base your choice base on your preferences. This will lead to answer what kind of bullet and cartridge you will need, which in the end limit the kind of rifle you can use.


Why Rifle Cartridge Matters in Choosing the Right Hunting Riffle?

rifle cartridge

The ammunition must be considered to guarantee a humane kill but which will be able to preserve as much the meat of the hunted animal as possible. If the ammunition is too much, the animal won’t hurt but the meat will be damaged after the shot. When weaker ammunition is used, the meat is preserved while the animal might suffer from pain before dying, which is not humane.

Cartridges are not bullets. In fact, bullet is just a part of a cartridge. This cartridge is where the primer, gunpowder, and a bullet are contained at the tip of it. The primer is for igniting the gunpowder which will push the bullet into the barrel of the rifle and slid toward your target.

Cartridges are available based on caliber (diameter if the bullet), length, the size (how much power the cartridge can exert the bullet), and weight (measured by grains).
For a small game, it is recommended that you use cartridge of small caliber (such as a .17 and .22 caliber). If your distance is closer than 100 yards, you can choose a .22 long range cartridge. A .22 magnum cartridge is better for greater distance.

So, after knowing what kind of game you will play, you can decide what cartridge you will use, to finally decide which rifle is the right one for you. This is what we call backward induction.


Choose the Right Rifles

There are two large categories of rifles: single shots and repeaters. Single-shot tend to be sleeker with more elegant design and it is more nostalgic because it brings the sense of old America. Single-shot rifles are divided into 4 categories: falling-block, rolling-block, break-open, and trapdoor, which can be chosen based on personal preferences.
Repeating rifles are also divided into some varieties, such as bolt-action, pump-action, lever-action, and automatic rifles. The materials also need to be considered, like carbon steel or stainless steel. To choose these unique materials can be based on your experience. Good luck.




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Fishing Tips

Tips on Kayak Bass Fishing


Kayak fishing is currently very popular, especially for coastal anglers as its paddling and fishing method can quickly bring them into inland fresh water to catch a lot of fish.

Many freshwater fans finally chose kayak because when compared with electric boats, kayak is a cheap solution. Though you cannot target any shortage of fish through kayak fishing, paddling to the largemouth of fresh water would be an interesting experience for any angler. Here are some tips for you if you want to try kayak bass fishing.


Find smaller backwater that is connected to the larger water body

The advantage of taking a kayak is that you can access the small ponds, rivers and backwater areas that are usually inaccessible for bass boat. And moreover, this area is usually full of big largemouth. However, before you begin, take the time to choose a prime fishing waters. One good tactic is to find a smaller backwater is connected to the larger water body which is where the big fish hide. Since this type of fish also tends to be less pressured, you can enjoy an outstanding fishing moment. For the purpose of exploration, you can choose a sit-on-top kayak that allows you to easily get in and out of the boat.


Stealth fishing approach

You can use a topwater frog to target largemouth bass. Kayak let you get direct access to the heart of this cover. In the thick slop, weeds will wrap paddle, which makes the process of maneuvering and paddling becomes more challenging than in open water. This effort will not be a waste of time and energy because you can get satisfactory fish. Once you get into the shallow area, you must use stealth approach and keep the noise to a minimum to avoid spooking the fish.

When casting topwaters, be prepared for an attack at any time during the retrieve. It often happens that the bass catch frogs few meters from the kayak.

For frogging, I use a heavy-power baitcast outfit that can help me winch largemouth quickly and out of the thick cover. Sometimes dropping anchor at the edge of the slop can prevent you from being drawn into the weeds when you are locked in a battle with the fish.

In addition to slop and pads, you can use a hollow-bodied frog and toads swimming in open water areas.


Being Low is Good

Despite the low position of the kayak is often considered a slight disadvantage in a difficult situation, the posture of these paddle boats will makes for skipping under cover of the kayak. Using a side-arm cast, keep the bait remain low to the water and throw the bait under shaded cover areas, such as docks or trees.

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Golf Equipment

How to Find the Best Golf Shoes for Your Feet


Golf shoes that fit properly with your feet will affect your swing traction and when you walk the course. It can be challenging to buy the right golf shoes because there are many choices of brands and sizes. You have to spare some time to find the right shoes that fit your feet, your pocket, and which looks sharp.


1. After determining your shoe size, check the other sizes too

There are in fact differences in sizing among different makers. But this way will be the starting point for you to try the sizes of shoes.


2. Determine the shoe style you need

There are a wide range of styles of golf shoes. Consider which ones you need: athletic-style shoes, dress-style shoes, or maybe even golf sandals.


3. If you are on budget, browse first about some brands that will fit your budget

There are a wide range of prices of golf shoes. You must browse first before deciding certain brands to buy. Though comfort and style is important in choosing golf shoes, if you’re on budget, you must be rational and choose the cheap golf shoes brands that will fit your budget.


4. Pick several pairs of shoes based on price and size

After finding the right prices, you can try for the size. Try different sizes of shoes. To know if the shoes are comfortable enough, you can fasten the shoes or sandals by lacing up. In many cases, new shoes will feel stiff which causes discomfort. It is the right shoes if you can wiggle your toes easily, your heel can fit snugly against the shoes’ rear part, and your top foot are not pressed or in pain when the shoes are laced up.


5. You can practice at the store if indoor driving range is available

Borrow a club and try to swing to really get the feeling of wearing it while playing. You can repeat this process using other sizes of shoes. If you feel comfortable while playing the ball, then you have found the right golf shoes.




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