
Are you fond of hunting elk? Elk (and moose) can mostly be found in West. What you need to know that an elk can weigh 500-1000 pound. That is a huge number. Another thing you have to consider is that there are some preparations you have to make before starting to hunt the elk.

Here are 6 tips for your elk hunting experience with a bow.


1. Exercise with the bow

Before starting the hunting trip, you should have a lot of exercise with your bow. Since elk are heavy-boned animals, to make a humane killing you must shoot with a heavy bow. The weight of the bow needed is approximately 70 pounds. To give more penetration of the bow, you also need strong and heavy arrows. In fact, elks don’t move fast but they are very dangerous.


2. Get close with the animal

The closer you are to the animal, the more dangerous situation it is for you. When you are close to the animal, you are more vulnerable. But it is what makes hunting more exciting, isn’t it?


3. Make sure you are in a safe place

Getting closer also means that you will be into their territory. They will come after and attack you, not knowing that you are actually just a frail creature. So, in your way of getting closer, you have to think about things: 1) you have to be in a safe position and 2) this position allows you to get a got shoot at the elk.


4. Make sure you hit them on the kill area

To make a humane killing, you must hit them on the right area. To fast kill the elk, you must have proper shot placement. If you do not shoot your bow your arrow on the mark, you might only wound the animal or make them die slow, which is not humane.


5. Cover your scent

Covering your scent is essential when you hunt elk. It’s recommended that you bath with unscented soap and use unscented deodorant. Unscented laundry soap for your clothing is also good. Those products are made for hunters and you can find them on hunting retailers.


6. Practice make perfect

Your bow hunting will be better and better with a lot of practice. Besides that, you can also learn about how to call the elks, using their “language” that you learn during your trips. When you become an expert, you can call them using this language like a professional elk callers.





Tags : bow hunting tipselk huntinghunting tips
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