
Having a baby is a blessing. But what comes in mind is ‘how to lose these pounds of my body?’ if you started the pregnancy with a normal weight, and have gained weight for about 25-35 pounds, doctor must suggest that your weight will get back to normal in a couple of months if you watch your meals and have some exercise. However, if you start with overweight and have gained more than the advised weight, it can take much longer than that to lose weight, which can be a year or so.

Here are the best tips on how to lose weight after having a baby.

1. Breastfeed

There is no yet evidence that prove breastfeeding can help you lose weight. But, many evidences show that exclusive breastfeeding can help you get the weight before pregnancy. Whatever it gives you, breastfeeding is highly recommended before it is good for the baby.

2. Eat those super foods

The foods rich of nutrients is the best answer on how to lose weight fast after having a baby. The food must also be light in fat and calories. Fish is among the best foods because it contains omega-3 fatty acid and DHA. Milk and yogurt are also good because they have high calcium to strengthen your bones. Moreover, protein from meat, chicken, and beans are not only great for your health but also keeping you full longer.

3. Drink more water

Losing weight after baby means that you need to speed up the metabolism, one of which is by drinking much water. It also prevents you from dehydration. There is no certain rule about how much you should drink either the normal 8-glass a day or more. As a guide, you can look at the color of your urine and how often you go to the bathroom.

4. Move your body

Eating healthy foods on your diet is good, but exercise must also be included in your post-pregnancy weight-loss plan. You can do aerobic and strength training exercise to help you burn calories and strengthen your bones and muscles. Exercise also reduces the stress and helps you get a sounder sleep.

5. Get enough sleep

Having a baby will prevent you from having the healthy 8-hour sleep. But if you don’t get enough sleep, it will be harder for you to get your before-baby weight. So, try to sleep 5 hours or more a day to keep you healthy and help you regain energy to shed the baby weight.


Here are other tips on how to lose weight naturally.




Tags : how to lose weighthow to lose weight after pregnancyhow to lose weight fast
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