

Fishing Equipment

The Basics You Should Put on Your Fishing Tackle Box


Fishing tackle boxes are ready for you to bring to the next fishing. But what are to be put inside? Here are the basics that you should put inside your fishing tackle box.

1. Extra Hook

Packing a variety of hooks will make you ready to fish any kind of fish. Either the french or J-hook you carry, you must bring many different sizes because the fish—though only one kind of fish—can vary much in weight. Number 32 will be the smallest size and the biggest is 19/0.

2. Extra Line

Line can break during your fishing trip due to some causes, including bitten by monster fish or get caught on a log. There are various types of lines, based on the place you fish and what kind of fish you’re fishing. The durable fishing line is good for rough conditions to avoid snapping. A thin clear line is the best for crystal clear lake.

3. Bobbers of floaters

Bobbers will sink when a fish bites so you will notice; that’s why you also need to put it in your tackle box. There are at least two types of bobbers: the round and slip bobber. The round bobber is easy to rig but it limits on how deep you can cast a line. The slip bobber is a bit hard to rig but many fishermen think the difficulty is worth it because the hook can go into deeper water.

4. Sinkers

It is too light for worm and bobber alone to sink very deeply. Sinkers are usually made of lead but some state laws have forbidden lead sinkers to be used in fishing. Other options for sinker materials are brass, tungsten, steel, and bismuth. Bring many sinkers since you can easily lose it.

5. Plastic worms

Live bait is the best but you must also take plastic worms, especially when you bash fish. There are many colors and sizes.

6. Some lures

Again, worms sometimes are enough. Some fishermen also bring some lures in their tackle boxes to up their game. There are many types of lures and you can choose based on your preference. It needs ecperiment to find which one is the best for you.


Another thing about fishing is rod. Do you know how to choose the best rod for you? Click here.



Source: www.artofmanliness.con

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Fishing Equipment

How to Choose the Best Fly Fishing Rods


Fly fishing rods are made to cast a fly to fish. It has the ability to build a momentum in a file and control its distance and direction. The lengths of each fly fishing rod vary. And the weights specify the size. A 5-weight rod means a 5-weight line. This weight lines affect the stiffness or load characteristic of the fly rod.

Choosing the right fly rods can be quite challenging for the newbies. If you don’t have idea about how to choose the right fly fishing rods for you, here are the tips to guide you.


1. What species you will fish will determine the size of your fly rod

A 5-weight line is a good option for those who want to catch trout mostly, but also sometimes want to fish small brook trout and 20-inchers. However, if your specialty is only the smaller native trout which we can usually find in high mountain streams, a 3- or 4-weight will be greater choices. Here is the a brief description of other size of fly rods to give you illustration about the suitability of the fly rods with the species you fish for.

– 7-weight and up for salmon and large rainbow trout in Alaska
– 8-weight rod for bonefish
– 10-weight rod for barracuda, small tarpon, and permit
– 12-weight for tarpon

You should not only consider the size but also the length, with the 9-foot rod as the most versatile one. Actually, the length ranges from 7 until 11 feet but the 9-foot rod is the most favorite of almost all fly fishers.


2. What material of fly rod that you need

The rod can be made either of bamboo split as traditional option or carbon graphite fiber. If you love slower and lighter as well as more classic style of casting, you must choose the bamboo fly rod. This is also for those who value custom craftsmanship. However, this type of fly rod tends to be more expensive because to make them, the skill is needed. If you are none of these type of fishers, then choose the high-tech ones.


3. How many piece of rod you think is more convenient?

Will you bring the fly rod inside a suitcase or strap them on your backpack or even carry them on plane? If yes, the 3- or 4-piece rod is a good choice. If you don’t think you need that many pieces and are fine with the strung-up rod for the entire season, two pieces are also fine for you.


4. How much money you prepare for the fly rods?

After considering all those things above, the last one to consider is the price. Some fly rods from certain providers are quite affordable while others can quite shock your wallet. Now that you know what you want, you can start browsing in the internet and surveying from one store to another to find the price that match your budget.


Do you think you also need fishing rod holders? Click here for more tips.




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Fishing Tips

Salmon Fishing Tips: How to Catch Salmon


Either you are novice or expert fisherman, these tips below will be worth learning. Hopefully, you can be a better fisher and able to catch more and more salmon.


What Is Salmon?

Any fish belongs to the Salmonidae family is usually called Salmon. We can find this fish both in saltwater and freshwater. Salmon hatch their eggs in freshwater. When they grow, they travel to ocean and when it’s time to spawn they turn to freshwater, precisely the exact spot where they hatched from the eggs. The places where you can fish salmon, include Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

There are two genus of salmon: salmo (with one species called Atlantic Salmon) and oncorhynchus (with 6 species called chinook salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, and masu salmon. Not only salmon is the most common fish to consume, salmon fishing is also one of the most popular game fish in the world.


Tips and Techniques on How to Catch Salmon

After knowing the basic information about the fish you’re gonna catch, now it’s time to learn the tips and techniques on how to catch salmon.


1. Your hooks must be sharpened

Make sure your hooks are very sharp because salmon has thicker jaw.


2. Overcast will help

Low lighting condition is the favorite of salmon, so you can use an overcast. It is highly recommended to fish on dawn or dusk because on bright sunny days, they will be in deeper water and become less active.


3. Roe (eggs) are the best bait

The best bait for salmon is roe (eggs). There are two ways you can have this bait. First, you can purchase it. Second, you can harvest and cure the roe by yourself.


4. Drift fishing is another method to learn

Drift fishing is one of promising methods in salmon fishing, especially if you fish the salmon in the river. This will look natural for the salmon: the bait is casted upstream and later it will drift down over the are where you think is the place of the salmon.


5. Don’t forget the permit

In US, permit (plus your fishing license) is needed for you to be able to catch salmon. Nobody wants to get a big fine, right? So be prepared! For your information, the cost for the permit will be used to fund salmon stocking and conservation programs.

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Fishing Tips

Ice Fishing Tips: How to Ice Fish in the Right Way


Are you new on ice fishing? You might learn some of the basics and safety to be able to ice fish in the right and safe way. And even if you’re an expert angler, knowing all these tips will be also beneficial for you.


The Basics and Safety of Ice Fishing

Ice fishing is a method when an angler catches a fish through a hole in an ice of a large frozen body of water, either a lake, a pond, or even a river. Some anglers simply fish in the open air, while some others need to build heated cabin. Through years, with some new equipment, the way the angler ice fish has changed a lot. And of course, while ice fishing, you must always remember about safety.

Among other methods, ice fishing is one of the most dangerous so it’s vital that you follow all the safety steps. The depth recommended for you to walk on the frozen water is 4”. When it’s less than that, it will be very much dangerous especially on lake where the wide frozen ice can break due to offshore winds.

Your phone must be fully charge when you go ice fishing. And someone close to you might be informed that you will ice fish, when you will leave, and when you will come home. If you ice fish on late winter warm-ups, you have to watch out the ice rot because in most cases they cannot support your weight.


Ice Fishing Tricks, Tips, and Tactics


1. Know the depth of your fish

Before go ice fishing, browse in what dept the fish you’re targeting stay during the winter time because there are some specific places that the ice will choose during the winter.


2. Ice fish slowly and steadily

During the winter, fish don’t release much energy, so if you want to catch them with bait or jig, don’t move it too fast.


3. You can use slip bobber at the right time

Fish don’t use much energy during winter, so they will not be as aggressive as they are in summer. The use of slip bobber might help to give go as deep as you like.


4. In shallow area, you might need to cover the hole

Covering the hole with ice shavings is important when ice fishing in slow area to avoid the light penetration to the surface. This keeps the fish from avoiding the area where you’re fishing.


5. Learn how to fight hypothermia

Hypothermia are the dangerous cause of death of many ice fishers. It’s best if you educate yourself you educate yourself on what to do if you or a fellow angler falls into icy water. Someone can die within 20 minutes when they are soaked in icy water.




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Fishing Tips

Are You Beginner Kayak Fisherman? Read These Tips!


Are you a beginner in kayak fishing? Here are the tips that will help you become a good kayak fisherman.


1. Have a consultation to kayak expert

It’s not like you have to find a professional kayakers. Those who have been kayak fishing for 4 or 5 years are experienced in this field and thus they can be called experts. You can consult them about any kayak fishing techniques.


2. The place to kayak fish

You can fish almost anywhere because kayak is very much versatile. The choices are based on the paddling distance, time frame, and/or ability. When going to an unfamiliar area, you can use Google map. The fishing opportunity is greater in a circular route.


3. Understand the species

Your kayak fishing will be more successful if you consider the moon phases, the weather, environment, and season of the species. Anyway, even when you don’t catch any fish, kayak fishing is still fun.


4. Choose the best kayak

When choosing a kayak, you should consider where you would kayak fish. In saltwater or freshwater? Big rivers, ponds, or larger lakes? The target fish also needs to be considered. Other considerations include stability, comfortable seating, storage compartments, and how you will transport the kayak.


5. Customizing the kayak

Customizing is needed to make everything within reach while you’re on the water. You have to decide where to attach the stuff you need. The storage area for the fishing gear must be considered too. Remember, your kayak must stay light but in other way versatile too.


6. How to transport your kayak

Cushioning kayak is cheap and easy because of its big foam noodles. A nylon tie can be inserted to the holes of the noodles. In most cases, pickup trucks and vans are used to transport the kayak. To get to distant water, you can use a rigged kayak, which is strapped to a larger boat.




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Fishing Equipment

Tips on Buying Fishing Rod Holders


Most people neglect the importance of fishing rod holders while in fact this device can help you while fishing. Not only making you able to enjoy the surroundings while fishing, fishing rod holder can help you to multi-task. Many people who have used fishing rod holders prefer the ones which are transportable, hands- and hassle-free, and simple to use.


Where to Use Fishing Rod Holders


1. Boat

To bring it in a boat, you need a fishing rod holder that is adjustable to different positions. With the fishing rod holder with you, you will have better concentration in driving the boat and monitoring electronics while trolling. With the holder, it will also be easier for you to eat or drink so your day will be more relaxed.


2. Beach

Holders can help you cast your lure and plant your pole while you’re in beach. Holder for the beach use is equipped with sand spike to help it to be driven in the sand while you’re relaxed.


3. Home

When you’re not fishing, home fishing rod holder can help store your fishing rods in a better place.

home fishing rod holders


Choose the Materials


1. Plastic

Polypropylene plastic is the best material for fishing rod holder because it can’t corrode, even when repeatedly exposed to salt water. Plastic is also lightweight which makes it easy to use.


2. Aluminum

Aluminum is not only lightweight, but it is also anti-corrode and rust which is the best for boat usage in both saltwater and freshwater.


3. Steel

As the strongest material, steel can withstand the forces of fish game in both fresh and salt water.

steel fishing rod holders

Which Size, Adjustments, and Features?

1. Size

You should select the size of rod fishing holders based on your fishing rods. Not only the size, but you must consider also the type of reel in order to find the best holder for you. Some holders are best for casting reels, while others are for spinning reels.


2. Adjustability

It is important to find an adjustable fishing rod holder. This way, you can adjust the angle to alter your bait moves through the water.


3. Features

The conditions that you face in the routine basis can be your consideration in choosing holder. The features offered as the complement can also be considered to establish your specific needs.




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Fishing Tips

Tips on Kayak Bass Fishing


Kayak fishing is currently very popular, especially for coastal anglers as its paddling and fishing method can quickly bring them into inland fresh water to catch a lot of fish.

Many freshwater fans finally chose kayak because when compared with electric boats, kayak is a cheap solution. Though you cannot target any shortage of fish through kayak fishing, paddling to the largemouth of fresh water would be an interesting experience for any angler. Here are some tips for you if you want to try kayak bass fishing.


Find smaller backwater that is connected to the larger water body

The advantage of taking a kayak is that you can access the small ponds, rivers and backwater areas that are usually inaccessible for bass boat. And moreover, this area is usually full of big largemouth. However, before you begin, take the time to choose a prime fishing waters. One good tactic is to find a smaller backwater is connected to the larger water body which is where the big fish hide. Since this type of fish also tends to be less pressured, you can enjoy an outstanding fishing moment. For the purpose of exploration, you can choose a sit-on-top kayak that allows you to easily get in and out of the boat.


Stealth fishing approach

You can use a topwater frog to target largemouth bass. Kayak let you get direct access to the heart of this cover. In the thick slop, weeds will wrap paddle, which makes the process of maneuvering and paddling becomes more challenging than in open water. This effort will not be a waste of time and energy because you can get satisfactory fish. Once you get into the shallow area, you must use stealth approach and keep the noise to a minimum to avoid spooking the fish.

When casting topwaters, be prepared for an attack at any time during the retrieve. It often happens that the bass catch frogs few meters from the kayak.

For frogging, I use a heavy-power baitcast outfit that can help me winch largemouth quickly and out of the thick cover. Sometimes dropping anchor at the edge of the slop can prevent you from being drawn into the weeds when you are locked in a battle with the fish.

In addition to slop and pads, you can use a hollow-bodied frog and toads swimming in open water areas.


Being Low is Good

Despite the low position of the kayak is often considered a slight disadvantage in a difficult situation, the posture of these paddle boats will makes for skipping under cover of the kayak. Using a side-arm cast, keep the bait remain low to the water and throw the bait under shaded cover areas, such as docks or trees.

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