
Treatment for Fibromyalgia, Leg Pain, Hip Pain, and Joint Pain


Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that is characterized by widespread pain in the musculoskeletal system, followed with fatigue and sleep problems. Though fibromyalgia and joint pain (rheumatoid arthritis) are different kinds of conditions, the symptoms are similar which sometimes make people confused. The Arthritis Foundation considers that fibromyalgia is a condition which is related to arthritis. Though in fact, arthritis and fibromyalgia have different symptoms. Knowing about this difference will help you get the best help for each condition as early as possible.

The biggest difference of fibromyalgia and arthritis is inflammation. The key symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is joint inflammation. However, fibromyalgia and inflammation are two things that don’t relate with each other. Yes, the pain in joints and muscles experienced by fibromyalgia sufferers is not caused by inflammation. It means that, the joints of fibromyalgia sufferers are not damaged, like in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. Instead of inflammation, the key symptoms that affect fibromyalgia sufferers are muscle and tissue pain throughout the body and sleep problems as well as fatigue.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia and hip pain may also be confusing to some people. However, the difference is actually noticeable. In hip pain, it is only hip which is in pain. In fibromyalgia, the pain is widespread. It means that the sufferers of fibromyalgia can feel the neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, and pain in other parts of the body. The pain may get worse after you do some physical activities.

The same with hip pain, people often confused about the symptoms of fibromyalgia and leg pain. The explanation will be the same. In leg pain, the pain is only felt in the leg area. In fibromyalgia, the pain is widespread, from the neck to the feet. However, it is possible that you feel the pain in your feet is more painful than in other parts of the body. This is actually what makes people confused. Having a diagnosis will help you get the best help for you condition.

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