
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death all around the world. Cancerous cells can develop in any parts of the body. One types of cancer that we will discuss now is colorectal cancer. This cancer is characterized by the development of cancer in the colon or rectum. Increasing age and lifestyle can be the cause of most colorectal cancer cases. Some people may have higher risk factor, including obese person, person who smoke, and people with sedentary lifestyle.

To help you get as early help as possible, you have to be informed about the colorectal cancer symptoms which include rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits (including change in stool consistency, diarrhea, or constipation), persistent discomfort in the abdominal area, unexplained with loss, fatigue, weakness, and the feeling that the bowel is not completely emptied. Anytime you notice one or more symptoms, you have to see a doctor to have some diagnosis, especially you are among those who have higher risk of colorectal cancer.

The diagnosis will help you confirm the kind of cancer as well as the stage, to help you cure cancer as soon as possible. Doctors may use scope, which is a long, flexible, and slender tube with a camera, to examine the inside of your colon. Doctors will take tissue samples if they find suspicious areas. Blood tests may also be taken. This is not to tell you if you have colorectal cancer, but to get clues of your overall health history. In other cases, doctors may offer screening tests for healthy people which show no signs or symptoms of cancer.

There are many treatments as the cure for cancer in your colon. You can have partial colectomy to remove the parts of the colon which has cancer. There are many types of surgery that a doctor can take, depending on how severe your cancer or in what stage is the cancer. Chemotherapy is usually taken after surgery. Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy the cancerous cells. This treatment will help prevent the cancer to reoccur. However, there may be some side effects on chemotherapy and surgery.

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