
When talking about fibromyalgia muscle pain relief, many if not all fibromyalgia patients must ever be recommended for pain relievers. Although approved, all those drugs can cause side effects. One of the medicine doctors often prescribe for fibromyalgia is Lyrica. Lyrica is usually used for patients with seizures, pain from shingles, and nerve pain from diabetes and spinal cord injuries. Lyrica is a drug that target nerve signals. And since fibromyalgia is caused by nerve-related changes, Lyrica is believed to be able to improve fibromyalgia symptoms. However, Lyrica can have side effects, especially if consumed in high dose and at prolonged time. The side effects include sleepiness, dizziness (mild to moderate), weight gain, dry mouth, blurred vision, and swelling on hands and feet. Allergic reactions may also rarely occur.

Another fibromyalgia relief drug that is approved is Savella, which is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). Savella works by increasing levels of neurotransmitters, which can help ease pain and fatigue. The potential side effect that most often occurs is nausea. Other side effects of Savella include dizziness, constipation, vomiting, insomnia, excessive sweating, dry mouth, increased heart rate, and high blood pressure.

Afraid of the potential side effects of those kinds of medications, many fibromyalgia patients and family try to find help for fibromyalgia pain that does not cause dangerous and significant side effects. Some people opt to consume dietary supplements to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Stress can worsen the condition of fibromyalgia, so increasing the level of serotonin can help better the mood. One supplement that is proven to help ease anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia pain, and morning stiffness is 5-HTP. Since low level of magnesium is also linked with fibromyalgia, many people also try to take magnesium supplements. Another supplement is the one containing melatonin, which helps to improve sleep and ease fibromyalgia pain.

Acupuncture and massage are among the alternative ways to help fibromyalgia. In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture was used to rebalance the flow of energy through our body. In medical world, acupuncture is often used to increase blood flow and produce body’s natural painkillers, which is why it is common for people with fibromyalgia to take acupuncture. Another alternative is massage to reduce muscle tension and improve circulation, as well as producing natural pain killers.


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