
In golf, golf cart can be an additional tool that can help a lot. For example, using this golf cart, disabled players can be helped to move during the busy golf season. This golf cart is also used as modes of transportation off the course. There are many types of golf carts available in the market and you have to know about this before buying. From the energy used, there are electric and gas carts. The features can also be different between each of the cart.


Gas vs Electric Golf Carts: Which One is Better?

The gas powered cart is the golf cart which is powered using gasoline with the average horsepower of 10 to 12 while the electric golf cart is powered by rechargeable battery with the average horsepower of 3 to 5. However, with different batteries and models, electric golf cart can have better performance.

If we compare one battery with one tank of gasoline, then the gasoline will last longer. The higher horsepower is also useful when accelerating, reaching top speeds, or moving in hilly structure. In case of electric golf cart, you will need to recharge the battery every couple of days, depending how much you use the cart and how big is the battery size. If your battery is taken care well, it will need replacement every 5 or 6 years. But if you don’t take care well of the battery, you will need to replace it every 2 or 3 year. And to note, accessories you use such as heaters, radio, lights, or fans will reduce the battery life.

However, the noise in gas golf cart tends to be louder and noisier while electric cart tends to be more silent. While gas golf cart owner spend money so much on gasoline, electric cart owner can laugh because they don’t need any gasoline, plus the maintenance costs are minimal.

If you love the environment, you will prefer using electric because does not release emission while the gas cart releases harmful emission which is dangerous for the environment.

So, which one do you think you prefer?



Tags : golf cartgolf equipment
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