
Either you are novice or expert fisherman, these tips below will be worth learning. Hopefully, you can be a better fisher and able to catch more and more salmon.


What Is Salmon?

Any fish belongs to the Salmonidae family is usually called Salmon. We can find this fish both in saltwater and freshwater. Salmon hatch their eggs in freshwater. When they grow, they travel to ocean and when it’s time to spawn they turn to freshwater, precisely the exact spot where they hatched from the eggs. The places where you can fish salmon, include Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

There are two genus of salmon: salmo (with one species called Atlantic Salmon) and oncorhynchus (with 6 species called chinook salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, and masu salmon. Not only salmon is the most common fish to consume, salmon fishing is also one of the most popular game fish in the world.


Tips and Techniques on How to Catch Salmon

After knowing the basic information about the fish you’re gonna catch, now it’s time to learn the tips and techniques on how to catch salmon.


1. Your hooks must be sharpened

Make sure your hooks are very sharp because salmon has thicker jaw.


2. Overcast will help

Low lighting condition is the favorite of salmon, so you can use an overcast. It is highly recommended to fish on dawn or dusk because on bright sunny days, they will be in deeper water and become less active.


3. Roe (eggs) are the best bait

The best bait for salmon is roe (eggs). There are two ways you can have this bait. First, you can purchase it. Second, you can harvest and cure the roe by yourself.


4. Drift fishing is another method to learn

Drift fishing is one of promising methods in salmon fishing, especially if you fish the salmon in the river. This will look natural for the salmon: the bait is casted upstream and later it will drift down over the are where you think is the place of the salmon.


5. Don’t forget the permit

In US, permit (plus your fishing license) is needed for you to be able to catch salmon. Nobody wants to get a big fine, right? So be prepared! For your information, the cost for the permit will be used to fund salmon stocking and conservation programs.

Tags : fishing tipssalmon fishingsalmon fishing tips
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