
After knowing some tips in hunting elks, here are the mistakes many hunters do while hunting elk.


1. Too concealed

In most cases, hunters will use bow to hunt elks. To conceal yourself, you are most likely to choose some trees to cover you. It is good if you choose, for example, a downed tree on your side and a bush in front of you. However, you need an open space so that when an elk comes in, you can draw your bow from beside the tree or behind the bush.

Being inside a treetop is not recommended since it is too concealed, which means you don’t have enough space to draw your bow. Open space is crucial since elks always come in the directions that you may not anticipate. So, the open space will give you enough place to turn to get the shot.


2. Hunting by yourself

Most hunters don’t think buddy-hunting is needed, while in fact they help a lot. While you’re pulling your trigger, the buddy-hunting will do the calling from behind you to drag the elk past you so that it will be close enough for you to shoot.

Elks are smart. If you hunt alone, you will need to do the calling. The elk will come to that spot but soon they will look around for danger. If you have buddy-hunting for the calling, the elk will come in, looking at the past but not at you. The elk will try to find the caller and thus ignoring the shooter. This way, you will hunt more elks than when you hunt alone.


3. Not calling aggressively

Most hunters don’t make enough calling since they are afraid to be too close with the elks. However, the most effective way to call the elks is from his comfort zone because at that place he feels he knows everything. By calling from a closer place, the chance to shoot him is greater. You can choose to start 100 yards or less from him before start calling.


4. Ignoring the scent elimination products

Some people—especially the West—are not accustomed to use scent elimination products. The wind that switches directions really influences the sense of smell of the elks. Thus, the scent elimination products are needed to make the elk unable to smell your human odor. In this way, even though the wind changes direction, it is still fine for you. The human odor will be eliminated and the elks will smell the elks, instead of you.


5. Moving before it’s time to move

The less you move as the elk comes in, the higher you chance to take him. Knowing when to draw is crucial. You can’t draw while he’s looking at you. The best time to draw is when he’s looking away or when there is something in-between you and him that makes it hard for him to see you (like tree or bush).

Tags : elk huntinghow to hunt elkhunting tips
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