
ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity) disorder is a disorder that affects children, but if left untreated it can develop until adulthood. ADHD can happen both in girls and boys. When we talk about ADHD boys, it is clear that they need the figure of a father. It is no wonder that a boy with ADHD who live with a single-parent mother can have slow time to improve from their condition. In fact, they need their father because they need to learn how it is to be a man and how to act like a man. Only fathers can teach them about this.

In a complete family, it is actually easier to handle ADHD in boys since what the boys need are the figure of the father. If so, fathers must create a way to communicate better with their sons. They have to show that they understand about anything that happens to their sons. And most importantly, fathers must accept them no matter what. This communication and acceptance will help the boys to cope and compensate.

When talking about signs of ADHD in boys, it is actually almost the same with those of girls. However, what is different is how critical the role of the father is. The boys with ADHD might be clumsy and have poor eye-coordination. They have low performances in team sports like football or basketball. When they have low performance in sports, it is most likely that they have difficulty to form relationship with other boys. Thus, they finally tend to be a loner.

Like mentioned in the previous articles, ADHD and anxiety has close relation since anxiety is also found in the sufferers of ADHD. The difficulty to communicate and low performance in sports make it hard for the ADHD boys to bond with other boys since, different from female, male bonding does not involve talking. Boys with ADHD need activities that will help them build confidence and get rid of this ADHD anxiety.

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