
How to Shorten your Workout Time without Violating the Results

How to Shorten your Workout Time without Violating the Results

We know that our life gets busier every single day and that means we have less time to work out. In other time, workout is something you just can’t skip in order to stay healthy and firm. Actually, by performing the right workout effectively and quickly, you can shorten your workout time without sacrificing the results.

1. Increase the sets for the upper and lower bodies

By stacking an upper body with lower body movement, you can shorten your workout time but at the same time still able to burn your fat. By doing this, the other parts of the body can rest while the others are moving, thus reducing the total rest time required in a session.

You can do a set of lunges then followed with a set of shoulder pass. For another option is a set of push-ups followed with squats. After completing the first set, you can take a break for about 30 minutes, then continue to the second round.

By applying this, you can cut up to a half of your workout time.

2. Put cardio intervals between each set

When going to gym, you will most likely choose between strength training and cardio. In fact, you can combine them to shorten your workout time. Instead of resting after performing a set of standard weight lifting, you can break into cardio movement. You can opt for jumping jacks, running knee highs, mount climbers, and burpees among others. You can perform an interval for 30-45 seconds, then rest to catch a breath for the remainder of the minute, and then continue to next set of strength training.

3. Apply the technique of drop setting

Not only pushing your body further than normal, drop setting will also increase the intensity of your workout session. Because this technique is very intense, you can apply it on just 1 or 2 exercises to shorten time, get past any strength training.

After your first set, you can drop the weight by 5-10 pounds and immediately do the second set. After that, you can drop the weight again, and with this third reduction, try to perform as much repetition as possible using good form. When that set is over, your exercise is done. You will complete it all in just 2 minutes, instead of 7-8 minutes.

4. Perform compound movements

You can save time as well as gaining strength by sticking to movements that will target more than one muscle group. The example of compound movements includes lunges, pull ups, squats, and push-ups. And plus, you can do these movements anywhere.

Tags : workout
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